How to Add a Login/Logout Link to Your WordPress Menu

Almost nothing is more frustrating for a user than searching around for a login link in order to get to important content.

The following method found at will automatically detect whether a user is logged in or not and put a login or a logout link right on your menu bar.

Add Code to Your Functions File
The Result

Please note, this method only works when you are using WordPress’ custom menus. (The menu function available in the admin section: Appearance > Menus.)

Add Code to Your Functions File

You will need to add a bit of code to your child-theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin for this. But after copying and pasting this code, you’re finished.

Go to Appearance > Editor > Theme Functions (functions.php). Place the following code in the bottom your functions file and hit “Update File.”

add_filter(‘wp_nav_menu_items’, ‘add_login_logout_link’, 10, 2);
function add_login_logout_link($items, $args) {
        $loginoutlink = ob_get_contents();
        $items .= ‘<li>’. $loginoutlink .'</li>’;
    return $items;

The Result

Keep in mind that these links will appear wherever you put your custom menus – be they at the top of your page, in your sidebar, or anywhere else.

Photo: login icon from BigStock

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