Upgrade Your Hosting Experience with 2X SSD Storage and 10X Bandwidth
MORE BANDWIDTH, MORE SSD STORAGE SPACE, UNLIMITED VISITORS! WPMU DEV’s managed WordPress hosting now gives you everything you need to scale your business to even greater heights.
We’ll keep this short and sweet because there’s a lot to take in.
We’ve made significant changes to our award-winning hosting, which we’re sure you will love:
Increased Bandwidth Limit
Doubled SSD Storage Space (and then some!)
Removed Visitors Limit
Let’s get right into it…
Increased Bandwidth Limit
We have increased the bandwidth on all hosting plans by a whopping 10X.
So, whereas the Bronze plan had a 1TB bandwidth limit, it is now 10TB.
Do you have any sites hosted on our Silver, Gold or higher plans?
The old 2.5TB, 10TB and higher bandwidth limits have been automatically bumped too, so Silver is now 25TB, Gold is now 100TB, Platinum is now…well, you get the picture – everything is now 10X!
We’ve increased bandwidth by 10x across all of our hosting plans.
Here’s another upgrade that’ll make you want to immediately jump on the bandwidth wagon…
Doubled SSD Storage Space (and then some!)
Every site hosted on WPMU DEV’s Managed WordPress hosting is created on a highly configured Virtual Private Server with dedicated resources and storage space.
We know you care about SSD storage, so we have increased SSD storage space on the selected plans below by at least 2X or more:
Silver = 65GB (old=25GB)
Gold = 160GB (old=60GB)
Platinum = 320GB (old=155GB)
Titanium = 1,280GB (old=640GB)
Palladium = 1,600GB (old=640GB)
Great news…we have also increased the storage space on all existing sites currently hosted on the above-listed plans by 2x…at no additional cost!
Removed Visitors Limit
Say goodbye to our old hosting plans with 10x less bandwidth and visitor limits…and hello to the new plans with unlimited visitors!
No more estimated visits…WPMU DEV hosted sites now handle unlimited visitors!
There’s Never Been a Better Time To Host With WPMU DEV
More bandwidth, double SSD storage space (or more) on almost all hosting plans, and unlimited visitors…with all these new improvements, there’s no better time or reason not to jump on board with WPMU DEV hosting!
Check out everything that our hosting plans include. Even better, become an Agency member and get access to everything we make available, including hosting from just $4/mth and $144 free annual credit for even bigger savings.
And if you are hosting WordPress sites elsewhere, get in touch with us today to learn more about our full hosting buyout with free expert site migration.