Six Free TwentyTen Child Themes For WordPress

TwentyTen child themes have been popping up everywhere and many theme designers are offering them for free.

One strong benefit of using TwentyTen as a parent theme is that you’ll always be able to update the basic framework without breaking your design.

Check out a few of the free child themes listed here to see what’s possible when building with TwentyTen.

Continue reading, or jump ahead using these links:

Free TwentyTen Child Themes
HTML5-ified TwentyTen
Accessible 1.0
TwentyTen Slider
WP Yogi

Want To Add Additional Widgets To Your TwentyTen Child Theme?
Create Your Own TwentyTen Child Theme

Free TwentyTen Child Themes

1.HTML5-ified TwentyTen

Download Theme

2.Accessible 1.0

Download Theme

3.TwentyTen Slider

Download Theme


Download Theme

5.WP Yogi

Download Theme


Download Theme

Want To Add Additional Widgets To Your TwentyTen Child Theme?

Technically this process is pretty much the same for any other WordPress theme.

When working with a TwentyTen (or any other) child theme, you’ll want to make your additions to files within the child theme directory.

First, you must register another widget area in your child theme’s functions.php file:

{code type=php}register_sidebar( array(
‘name’ => __( ‘Your Widget Area’, ‘your_child_theme’ ),
‘id’ => ‘my-widget-area’,
‘description’ => __( ‘The primary widget area’, ‘your_child_theme’ ),
‘before_widget’ => »,’after_widget’ => »,’before_title’ => »,’after_title’ => »,

) );

Modify the code above in the following ways:

Replace the ‘Your Widget Area’ with a name for the area you are creating.
Replace ‘your_child_theme’ with the name of your child theme.
Give your widget area an ID to use within your theme.
Give your widget area a description to replace ‘The primary widget area’ and add the name of your child theme again.

Those are the only areas you should need to replace in the code above.

Now, here’s the bit you’ll need in order to place your newly registered widget area in your child theme:

{code type=php}<?php
if ( is_active_sidebar( ‘my-widget-area’ )) {
dynamic_sidebar( ‘my-widget-area’ );

Replace ‘my-widget-area’ with the widget ID you created in the first step.

You can place this code anywhere you want within your child theme, ie. footer.php, page.php, header.php, etc.

For example, if you want to add a widgetized area to the top of your posts where you can add advertisements or notices, then drop the widget placement code into your single.php file.

Make sure this is a copy of the parent theme’s single.php file and that it resides in your child theme’s folder.

This code is good for one additional widgetized area.

If you want more unique areas, simply duplicate this and register as many widget areas as you like, making sure to create a unique ID for each.

Create Your Own TwentyTen Child Theme

If the above TwentyTen child theme selections aren’t what you’re looking for, you could always try building your own.

Follow the simple steps outlined in our article: “How To Create a WordPress Child Theme” if that’s something you’d prefer to do.

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