Powerful Plugins for Scheduling WordPress Posts and Cross Promotion
Some of us are more organized than others. Some have our future posts already written and scheduled a month in advance.
We may have even planned on cross promoting them to our social media platforms.
This provides numerous advantages, such as boosting traffic, and can be beneficial for many use cases, from casual content marketing to ecommerce promotions.
Of course we all recognize that planning and doing aren’t operationally linked. Chances are good that your online business consists of more than writing articles of interest, which means posting your blogs regularly (and cross posting to your socials) can easily fall through the cracks. Especially if you’re a small business, or one-(wo)man show.
In this article, we’ll be looking at some plugins that can help keep us on track for posting. Each of these makes scheduling WordPress blog entries, and/or cross promoting them on our other social media platforms, much less effort and far more consistent.
Continue reading, or jump ahead using these links:
Advanced Schedule Posts
PublishPress Future
PublishPress Revisions
Post to Google My Business
Nelio Content
Evergreen Content Poster
Post Credits
Advanced Schedule Posts
Advanced Schedule Posts plugin.
The Advanced Schedule Posts is a simple plugin that allows you to set the date time of expiration and the schedule which overwrites another post.
When the scheduled post is published, the new post overwrites the other post, and the old post is changed to “Draft”.
Advanced Schedule Posts screenshots.
Also, the slug of the new post and the slug of the old post are flipped. (So post A’s slug becomes post B’s slug, and vice versa.)
PublishPress Future
PublishPress Future plugin.
The PublishPress Future plugin (formerly, PostExpirator) lets you schedule a post to expire.
It gives you a range of choices for what happens to the post when it expires. You can set it to go to Draft, Private, Delete, or you can move it into a special category, which makes for easier review: Category Replace, Category Add, Category Remove.
PublishPress Future screenshots.
It also comes with a shortcode that will let you show the expiration time.
PublishPress Revisions
PublishPress Revisions plugin.
The PublishPress Revisions plugin a robust tool for making content changes.
Users get a safe space to work on content updates. When the changes are ready, they can ask for approval to publish the update. Administrators can approve or reject the changes. They can also schedule them to go live in the future.
PublishPress Revisions works with the familiar WordPress interfaces: Gutenberg and the Classic Editor.
PublishPress Revisions screenshots.
Pending and Scheduled Revisions can include changes to post content, categories, tags, featured image, page parent and other options. Each of these changes can be reviewed in the familiar Compare Revisions interface.
It is possible to preview and moderate revisions via the frontend of your WordPress site. If you click Preview for a pending revision, you’ll see a toolbar across the frontend of the site. This toolbar will change color so you can easily know the status of the revision.
PublishPress Revisions will notify Administrators and Editors when a new revision is submitted. They can log in to preview, compare and approve the changes. PublishPress Revisions can also send emails for revision approval and publication. The Settings screen lets you disable unwanted notifications.
PublishPress Revisions works with the default WordPress user roles, and also introduces a Revisor role. Where contributors can submit revisions to their own published post, reevisors can submit revisions to posts and pages published by others. Authors, Editors and Administrators can approve revisions or schedule their own revisions.
To schedule changes to a published post, just set the desired future date before hitting Update.
This is the free version of PublishPress Revisions, which supports the WordPress core. There is also a Pro version of the plugin, which supports ACF, Yoast SEO, PODS, WooCommerce, WPML, Elementor, Beaver Builder, and many more plugins and themes. You also gain advanced permissions control, and can customize permissions by role or per-user, granting full editing or revision submission rights to specific posts, categories, or taxonomy terms.
SchedulePress plugin.
The SchedulePress plugin claims to be “the best content marketing tool for WordPress”.
Automate your content workflow with SchedulePress. Take a quick glance at your content planning with Schedule Calendar, Auto Scheduler, Manual Scheduler & more.
Share your posts on a number of popular social media platforms, such as: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
SchedulePress screenshots.
Will you be on vacation, but want your website to stay active as your regular day? No problem—you can schedule posts in advance for those days, and SchedulePress brings you the editorial calendar with it to let you see when your posts have been scheduled.
From one place, you can easily get an overview of your blog posts and when each post will be published. Not just that, it allows you to drag and drop to edit and move posts right from the editorial calendar.
Some of the free features included in SchedulePress are:
Schedule Calendar – manage your content with a great visual calendar.
Dashboard Widget – check your scheduled & draft post right from the dashboard as SchedulePress will enable a widget in your WordPress dashboard.
Manage Multiple Author Efficiently – manage multiple authors (and co-authors) for a blog from one place.
Notify WordPress Users With Email – send email alerts to authors or users when a post is published, trashed, or has been scheduled.
Auto Share Posts On Multi Social Profiles – easily schedule, auto-share, or do instant share your blog posts from WordPress dashboard to multiple social media platforms.
Configure Auto Social Share Templates – personalize your WordPress blog with preferred social media templates by configuring all exclusive features by SchedulePress. Each social share channel template comes with specific and unique features.
SchedulePress is also fully compatible with Elementor, allowing you to manage your WordPress posts scheduling from the Elementor editor.
Along with all features including in the free version, SchedulePress Pro has additional features including:
Auto Scheduler – get absolute control over your content schedule as you can create rules to post content automatically.
Missed Schedule Handler – take care of missed schedules and publish posts automatically
Manual Scheduler – to schedule your WordPress blog posts at an exact time
Premium Support
Post to Google My Business
Post to Google My Business plugin.
The Post to Google My Business (Google Business Profile) plugin utilizes the official Google My Business API with secure oAuth authentication to ensure your Google account is safe.
No longer will you have the hassle of having to log in to Google My Business every time you want to create a new post (not to mention, it can be an easy thing to forget).
The posts feature in Google Business Profile (formerly: Google My Business) is a great way to improve the presence of your/your clients’ business on Google.
Use the Auto-post feature to instantly publish your latest WordPress post to your Google Business Profile, based on a preset template and the posts’ featured image.
Post to Google My Business screenshots.
Here are some of the features included in this plugin:
Create, edit or delete posts without having to visit your Google My Business dashboard
Automatically publish your latest WordPress posts to GMB using the Auto-post feature
Network/site-level Multisite support
Publish to GMB from external apps (such as Zapier, Integromat, IFTTT, ManageWP, InfiniteWP, MainWP, & Windows Live Writer)
Uses official Google My Business API
“COVID-19 update” post type support
Developer friendly; uses the latest built-in WP functions with various actions/filters to hook into.
Translatable; uses built-in WordPress functions for easy translation.
Gutenberg compatible
There is also a premium version of the plugin, which includes additional, time saving features:
Product support (create “real” products in GBP based on your WooCommerce or other content)
Schedule GMB posts for automatic publishing in the future
Publish posts to multiple locations, across multiple Google accounts at once
Automatic re-posting/post recycling (recycle your GMB posts at preset intervals and x amount of times)
Auto publish posts with specific tags or categories
Post Campaigns (create posts on GMB that aren’t tied to any specific WP post or page)
Evergreen content (randomly publish items from a selection of your content)
Multiple auto-post templates
Priority email support from the developer of the plugin
Support and updates for 1 year
Learn more about Post to Google My Business Premium.
Nelio Content
Nelio Content plugin.
The Nelio Content plugin allows you to schedule, organize, & auto share your content.
Nelio Content is a native WordPress plugin that features an editorial calendar and a content assistant. It has been designed to help you to efficiently schedule, create, and promote the content of your blog by automatically creating social publications.
The social media platforms supported in Nelio Content are: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google My Business, Pinterest, & Reddit.
Instagram is also available, but only with the help of Buffer. Posting messages on Instagram with Nelio Content is a bit different than with other social networks, because Instagram does not allow automatic posting from third parties through an API. For this reason, Nelio Content offers the ability to publish Instagram posts with the help of Buffer. You can read more about this on Nelio Content’s website.
Focus on the content that works best with Nelio Content’s built-in analytics, and run a successful blog while saving tons of time thanks to the impressive editorial calendar.
Take a look at the top 6 reasons for choosing Nelio Content:
Editorial Calendar – one of the most powerful tools in Nelio Content. It offers a unified view of absolutely all your content (that is, posts, social messages, and tasks). It’s also the easiest way to create new content and reschedule your posts and social messages, simply by dragging-and-dropping them.
Social Media Scheduling – Nelio Content will extract the most relevant sentences of your copy and create a marketing strategy that will drive more visitors to your blog, easily sharing your content on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, & more.
Analytics – discover your best content and continue promoting it. Nelio Content integrates the relevant metrics from your Google Analytics and social media accounts and helps you to re-promote the content that works best.
Content Assistant – Tagging content properly, using images to illustrate your ideas, linking old posts in your blog to build a strong internal link structure, or linking to other blogs to offer different views on a subject are all examples of how you can create beautiful content. Nelio Content analyzes the content of your posts and recommends the actions you may take to improve its quality.
Teams – Nelio Content is a multi-user plugin that makes it easy to work with your team. The plugin offers the right tools to each user at each moment based on their context and WordPress role.
Advanced Functionalities – Nelio Content includes a ton of beautiful features aimed at making your life easier. Suggested references, editorial comments, tasks, external featured images, and more.
Nelio Content screenshots.
The free version of Nelio Content includes the following features:
1 social profile per network
Manual creation and scheduling of social messages to share your blog content upon its publication
Fully-fledged editorial calendar
Content quality control
Suggested reference management
Built-in analytics
External featured images
If you want to take it to the next level, you can get Nelio Content Premium and benefit from these advanced features:
Social automations
Auto-Reshare old content
Editorial comments
Editorial tasks
Team support
Evergreen Content Poster
Evergreen Content Poster plugin.
The Evergreen Content Poster plugin will help you easily double your traffic from social media.
One aspect of marketing we often forget is that no one notices everything we do. Your social media followers aren’t like RSS subscribers who see and read every post. In fact, sharing more than once can be essential to providing your audience with the value you promised them. If you don’t share your links a few times, they may never see any of your updates.
So how can you share your evergreen content multiple times in a way that doesn’t turn you into a spammer? Simple. Integrate a plugin that shares your old blog posts, but is smart about it. This is where Evergreen Content Poster comes into play.
Evergreen Content Poster plugin was created to help business owners boost their website traffic, grow their social media followers and keep their existing followers engaged by automatically sharing your posts and content from your WordPress website in unlimited different ways to your social media accounts.
You can create as many variations on a single piece of content as you want, so you never have to share the same message twice. For example, you can ask a question to trigger intrigue for your content, cite a fact from your content, or share a quote.
Evergreen Content Poster screenshots.
Evergreen Content Poster includes the following features:
Set a schedule for how often you’d like your old and newer content to share on social media.
Set specific times that you want your evergreen content to be pushed to your different social media accounts, or set the number of posts you want to publish every day.
Push content to your Buffer account the moment your Buffer queue is empty.
The best part is there’s no need to mess around with App IDs, authorization tokens or complicated technical steps. Connecting your social media profiles is done in a few clicks through Buffer (you will need an account with Buffer, but can use the free plan).
Evergreen Content Poster was selected as a partner by Buffer in October 2020. This ensures continued access to Buffer’s API, meaning the Evergreen Content Poster will continue to work and continue to improve.
Evergreen Content Poster allows you to automatically share posts from WordPress to:
Facebook pages & groups
Twitter profiles
LinkedIn profile & pages
Pinterest boards
Instagram Business accounts
Save time in your social media marketing efforts, add the power of having unlimited unique posts sharing your content to your accounts by using Evergreen Content Poster. You decide which of your content and how your content is shared to which social media channels.
Post Credits
If you’re like us here at WPMU DEV, you put a good deal of time and effort into writing your posts. But that is only half the battle. You still need to be noticed.
Implementing a publishing schedule that provides structure and flexibility allows you to better serve your readers. Same goes for cross promoting to other social media channels—it naturally lends itself to growing your audience.
If scheduling isn’t your forte, give any of these plugins a try, and see what works best for you. Doing so will likely improve your writing (more time to focus on great content), and your readership (more consistency and visibility).
Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for accuracy and relevancy.
[Originally Published: October 2014 / Rewritten: April 2022]