How to Add a Horizontal Line to a WordPress Post or Page

Sometimes making different sections of a post distinctly separate from each other can go a long way in making your post more readable. In some cases, embedding a horizontal line, like this one …

is just the answer.

For example, in a recent post here on WPMU, I had over a hundred different graphics that needed to be separated (105 Weird and Wonderful 404 Error Page). Horizontal lines were perfect for this.

But how do you do that?

Well, it’s pretty easy. Just switch to the HTML view in your visual editor, and insert the following code where you’d like the horizontal line to appear.

<hr />

If you’d like more than one line, just do that multiple times.

<hr />
<hr />


There are also a number of styles you can apply to your lines such as color, size, alignment, etc. In the newest version of HTML (HTML5), you will need to use CSS to style your lines.  You can read more about horizontal rules (this is what “hr” technically stands for) at

And that’s it — a simple solution that can make your post both more attractive and more readable.

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