Hosting Price Changes (And How To Lock in Current Pricing)
Since we launched our hosting product in 2019, it has evolved into quite the platform.
Just some of the features we’ve added, include:
Integrated Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Fee-free Clients & Billing platform
Unlimited email forwarding and 10 free email accounts
5 new server locations (including Australia)
10GB Content Delivery Network (CDN) for our integrated plugins
New Relic, Blackfire, Static Server Cache (and a host of other nerdy tools)
Full plugin management and templating tools
And many, many more extra features and improvements
Which has led to us becoming the best rated web host in the World according to TrustPilot (4.9/5 from 2,199 reviews as of writing this).
True story!
Sure, we’re not providing $1.99 hosting for your first 12 months or an $80 shared server where you can cram on 200 accounts… heck we don’t even have an affiliate program.
But that’s not what we’re about, we’re about providing you the absolute best hosting product that you can offer your clients, at the best possible price.
Next Level Reseller Tools
Which is why we’re increasing that price slightly at the start of next month to allow us to invest further in our existing services and support, and also double down on new reseller features that we hope will make a world of difference to you as a web developer.
But two things first; what we’re actually doing and how we want to make sure that you – as an early adopter of our tools – don’t have to experience this price rise.
In short, this year we will roll out the reseller experience of your dreams, allowing you to automate white label sales, management and even critical support of your client sites.
This’ll include domain management and reselling, a further improved Hub Client portal, and the automated integration of our hosting provision (plus Templates) with our Clients & Billing system. It’s going to be wild.
And, in order to allow us to make this sustainable, from the 11th of April we will be changing our pricing from $10/m to $12/m for a bronze hosting plan and so on through our plans.
Essentially, it’s broadly a 20% increase.
But, as I mentioned, not for you! Because you are reading this!
Lock in Your Current Pricing, For Aaaages
By way of thanks for being on the journey at this point, we’d also like to give you the opportunity to lock in our powerful hosting at the current prices:
Current hosting prices:
Hosting prices from April 11th:
Here’s how prepay works…
For the next three months you will be able to prepay hosting at the old price (e.g. you buy Bronze at $10), and we will automatically credit your account with the new price (e.g. we give you Bronze at $12). Allowing you to offset the upcoming increase.
Just use this link or click below (on the ‘lock in my pricing’ button) and you will be able to purchase hosting credits (up to a maximum of $10k per member) to which we will then add 20%.
So, for example, if you pre-pay $100, we’ll give you $120 of hosting credit…
If you purchase $10,000 then we’ll give you $12,000…
Which you can use for all your future hosting needs.
Plus, you’ll benefit from every new feature and improvement we make to our hosting platform ongoing at NO EXTRA COST because you’ve locked in your current hosting price.
Using Hosting Credits? Consider Yourself Already Locked In!
If you’ve got a WPMU DEV membership plan that comes with hosting credits, then you’re already taken care of 🙂
We’ve added 20% to your current credits, so you shouldn’t see a price increase there at all.
This is to say ‘thank you’ for being a member at a higher tier and believing in what we do, and as long as you don’t cancel your membership, you’ll keep these credits ongoing with no extra increase in the cost of your membership… so you kinda just got a price decrease ;).
Available For The Next 3 Months Only
So, that’s available for the next 3 months (until mid June), and we reckon it’s one of the best deals you’ll see for a while in the hosting space.
But it can’t last forever, so take us up on the offer while it’s here.
And as with all of our products, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed and if – on the super rare chance you are – we’ll extend our money-back guarantee to this (so you don’t need to worry about us suddenly turning into EIG).
The most advanced, best rated and most actively developed WordPress hosting on the web, for a price that’s extremely retro.
>>Lock in my current hosting pricing now!<<